Call for new Experts to the EU Agency ENISA’s Permanent Stakeholders’ Group
Do you feel you have the competence to be one of the Experts advising ENISA? The European Network and Information Security Agency, i.e. the EU Agency ENISA, is launching the call for new members to its Permanent Stakeholders’ Group (PSG). The PSG advises the Executive Director in e.g. drawing up a proposal for the Agency’s work programme, and all issues related thereto.
The PSG will be composed of thirty leading Experts in Network and Information Security. The PSG Members should represent relevant stakeholders, e.g: information and communication technologies industry, consumer and user organisations, as well as academic and research institutions. The selected applicants will be appointed ad personam as PSG Members. They do neither represent a country nor a company.
Applicants should provide the Executive Director with the details of their professional experience and level of expertise, i.a.
a detailed CV in English in the European format;
as well as a separate letter of motivation explaining how they intend to contribute to the mandate of the PSG. , see Art 8.)
The Executive Director will take the following criteria into consideration while assessing the applications:
- proven abilities in the fields relevant to the mandate of the PSG;
- capacity to contribute to issues that relate to the Agency’s tasks
- the ability to cover a wide range of expertise in information and communication technology industries.
The mandate of the forthcoming PSG will run from February 2010 until July 2012.
More details on the PSG.